Monday, September 28, 2009

I believe an historical event of earth-shattering importance occurred tonight when Karen, Cori and Kim, AKA KKC, tied for first with the J-Men. The Jays graciously decided to fore-go a tie-breaker, allowing the trio to bask in the golden glow of victory. Just Bonin' Up won third (although I had mistakenly announced The Crimson Tide), the Tide was fourth, followed by the Wacky Corner, R&R and Out of the Vortex. Joel was the winner of the Grand Produce Prize, while KCC is wishing Billy a slow recovery.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tonight was a tight race which led to a tie-breaker between Joel of the Vortex vs. Craig (or maybe Greg?) of the J-Men for first place. Craig/Greg's perfect record was shattered when newbie Joel prevailed. Only two points behind was the defending R&R. A little farther back was Just Bonin' Up and the Crimson Tide. The Tide imploded on the last round, but took consolation in winning the Produce of the Week: a pineapple. The Wacky Corner and a resurgent Q rounded out the top 7. Next week's theme is the Beatles, by the way.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ten teams braved the Construction Beast and fought their way to Castle Barn Door. That's just an overwrought way to say that PennDOT picks the strangest times to do their roadwork. Even taking the back way, it was a fifteen-minute trek down 50 feet of road. The extra time must have given Just Bonin' Up some extra energy, since they tied for first with R&R. It came down to a tense Captain Jack-off™ between Tara and Bruiser, with the Bones triumphant. Out of the Vortex took the bronze. If Q had stayed with their gut instincts, they would have won, but had to settle for fourth. Crimson Tide and Just Dumb Luck were tied for fifth, while the Wacky Corner was in the sweet seventh spot. The Tide won this week's Grand Produce Prize of plums and were thankful that I didn't go with pluots.